Sunday 15 February 2015

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 Education , Guidance & Counseling & Psychology 
- To orient students towards research in the field of education 
- To develop computational skills in educational statistics
 - To orient students in the application of statistical findings 
- To inculcate skill of construction of tests and tools for data collection
 - To enable the students interpret educational research findings 
- To orient Feminist Methodology in Research 

I Introduction 
Scope and need for education problems faced in educational research differences between research in social sciences and Physical and Natural Sciences – Types of Research , Basic, Applied and Action Research, Strategies to approach them– Qualities of a research Worker 

 II Major Steps in Research Web based Resources for Research 
– define a research problem. Sources for research problem – study of related literature – criteria for selecting a problem statement of the research problem – determining feasibility of the study 
– Hypothesis; meaning, types and formulation – Types of sampling procedure – criteria for a selection of sample – Research proposal: The need and format – collection of data; organizing and analyzing the data 

 III Research Methods Historical – normative survey, Experimental – exploratory and descriptive – case study – generic method : Cross sectional and longitudinal – Analytic and comparative studies – Content Analysis- Narrative analysis – Research Methodology for Feminist studies – Inter Disciplinary Research 

 IV Selection of Tools Criteria for selection of tools – Factors related to construction of a tool – Tools and Techniques – observation, interview. Questionnaire, check list, rating scale, attitude scale (Thurstone method and Likert method) – Achievement test – Diagnostic test and prognostic test- characteristics of research tools – validity and prognostic test – characteristics of research tools – validity and objectivity – standardization of tests and general procedure for them. 

 V Source Materials Source materials – Primary sources, secondary sources, problem of credibility of external criticism and of internal criticism 

VI Research Reporting Organization of data – synopsis – Graphical and Statistical representation – Language and style of presentation – chapterisation – Indexing – Footnote – Bibliography – Appendix – Format modification for short report – Book Review, style manual, typing, heading, pagination, tables 

VII Statistics Analysis of Data The significance of statistical measures – concept of standard error and its uses – Testing of difference between two means test for small large samples Elementary ideas about F Test t – one way analysis of variance. Two way analysis of variance interaction effect – non-parametric statistics – multivariate analysis. Multiple regression analysis; Factor Analysis , path analysis – (Basic principles and use and interpretation of results only, not the computations as such) use of statistical package. Analysis of qualitative data, grouping classification. 

Reference Books 
1. Van Dalen, D. Understanding Educational Research, New York, McGrew Hill Co., 1973 
 2. Travers, Robert M.W., Introduction to Educational Research, New York, Macmillan co., 1964 
3. Guilford J.P. Fundamental Statistics Psychology and Education, New York, McGraw Hill; Booth Co., 1965 
4. Garett Henry V. Statistics in Psychology and Education , Vakis, Kelfer and Sons Pvt.Ltd., Bombay 5. Fred N.Kerlinger, Foundations of behavior research, Surjeet Publications, 1983 6. Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, Willy Eastern Limited, New Delhi.

Saturday 14 February 2015



The term 'research' has been defined by educational researchers in many ways.

According to John W.Best , "Research is considered to be more formal, systematic, intensive process of carrying on the scientific methods of analysis.It involves a more systematic structure of investigation, usually resulting in some sort of formal record of procedure and a report of results and conclusions. 

According to Rusk, "Research is a point of view, an attitude of inquiry or a frame of mind. It asks questions which have hitherto not been asked, and it seeks to answer them by following a fairly definite procedure.

According to P.M.Cook, "Research is an honest, exhaustive, intelligent searching for facts and their meanings or implications with reference to a given problem. The product of findings of a given piece of research should be an authentic, verifiable, and contribution to the knowledge in the field studied.